Saturday 1 January 2011

Spaghetti Pie

This is not the most elegant dish. It may not get onto many dinner party menus, but it has a beauty all of its own.

I like to think that A invented this dish because it makes me feel a nice swell of daughterly pride. In truth, I don't know for sure that Spag Pie is a Lapping invention, but it does have A's stamp of culinary innovation in the face of crisis. (Anyone who's seen her ingenuity in pulling back kitchen mishaps from the brink of disaster will get what I'm talking about. This is a woman who doesn't even blink when her pavlova meringue case cracks moments before dessert is served. Ta-daaaaa - it's Eton Mess! Doesn't even break a sweat; nerves of steel.)

When you next make spaghetti and tomato sauce for dinner make double the amount you think will get eaten. Take the leftover spaghetti and sauce, mix together then lay out in a dish.
Sprinkle with cheese - plenty of parmesan and cheddar.
Put in the freezer.

Defrost and eat on a day when a plate of delicious stodge is required at short notice.

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